Special San Francisco Labor Council Educational Event
Addressing the failure of government to adopt priorities that provide and maintain the infrastructure of employment, education, health care, housing, and parks, and which taxes everybody but the corporations & the rich.
Monday, October 26th: 6:45 PM – 8:30 PM
Plumbers Hall, 1621 Market Street, San Francisco
• Dennis Kelly, Chair & President of UESF
• Betty Olson-Jones, President of the Oakland Education Association
• Fred Glass, CFT Communications Director
We urge you to invite your members and colleagues to this event to learn about
how we can stop the way we are nickel & dimed at every turn with fees and fines
while everything gets more expensive. We look forward to a lively discussion
where participants can express their views about our system and how it should be
Tim Paulson, Executive Director
Mike Casey, President
Larry Mazzola, VP of Affiliate Support
Conny Ford, VP of Political Affairs
Howard Wallace, VP of Community Affairs
Tags: San Francisco, Taxation, teachers
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