Initial list of Endorsers of Call for a Labor-Sponsored Demonstration in Washington for Jobs, Peace and Justice
As Of February 16, 2010
- South Carolina State AFL-CIO
- San Francisco Labor Council
- South Bay Labor Council (San Jose, Calif.)
- The Council of New Jersey State College Locals (CNJSCL), AFT, AFL-CIO NEW
- Chris Silvera, Secretary – Treasurer, Teamsters Local 808 NEW
- Chris Driscoll, Recording Secretary, The Campaign for Fresh Air and Clean Politics NEW
- National Jobs for All Coalition NEW
- Prosperity Agenda NEW
- Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, Prosperity Agenda NEW
- Alan L. Maki, Director of Organizing Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council (for identification only) NEW
- Joe Tonan, Claremont Faculty Association, a Chapter of the California Teachers Association (for identification only) NEW
- Gregory W. Paquin, Business Manager, Native American Indian Lab or Union #12 (for identification only) NEW
- San Mateo Central Labor Council
- Hartford (CT) Central Labor Council
- Troy (NY) Central Labor Council
- AFT Local 1021 (Los Angeles)
- Executive Council, AFT Missouri
- California Peace and Freedom Party
- Harlem Tenants Council
- Harlem Antiwar Coalition
- Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace and Justice
- Ohio State Labor Party
- Railroad Workers United
- Painters and Dry Wall workers Local 93 (Bay Area)
- Glen Ford (Black Agenda Report)
- Donna Smith, American SiCKO, American Patients United
- Harry Kelber (Labor Educator)
- Sharon Black (Organizer, Bail Out the People Movement)
- Monadel Herzallah (Arab American Union Members Council)
- Andy Griggs (UTLA member)
- Don Bechler (chair, Single Payer Now!)
- Larry Duncan (Labor Beat-Chicago)
- Allan Fisher (AFT 2121)
- Fred Hirsch (South Bay Labor Council)
- Jerry Gordon (Ohio State Labor Party)
- Bill Balderston (Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace and Justice)
I just stumbled on your website. I am responding to you, because I believe what washington and this whitehouse need is the largest ever march from Americans that is possible. I mean millions and millions of all of us from both sides of the aisle. A Peoples’ Revolution. It’s about the economy. It’s about Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. It’s about the military industrial complex sucking up over 50% of discretionary funding. It’s about this country’s addiction to war, war, and more war. It’s about giving Israel 3 Billion dollars next year alone for their military, when their people have national healthcare and Americans don’t. It’s about a thousand trillions dollars for the military industrial complex. It’s about favoring corporations over the people. It’s about taking out, not amending the lastest supreme court ruling favoring corporations over people. It’s about People First. It’s about bringing an end to The Gilded Age, and Vampire Capitalism.
How can I help?