March 19, 2010
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
The Executive Council of the California Labor Federation, representing two million organized workers, over one-sixth of the membership of the AFL-CIO, passed a resolution on Feb. 23, 2010, calling on the AFL-CIO and Change to Win to organize a Solidarity Day III demonstration in Washington, D.C. for Jobs, Peace and [...]
Over 125 activists from across U.S. plot strategy for coordinated grassroots campaign to win single payer healthcare
Silver Spring, MD – More than 125 union leaders and activists from 25 states gathered at the National Labor College in Silver Spring, MD last weekend to strategize about next steps at the state and national level to win [...]
WHEREAS in the aftermath of the Massachusetts special senatorial election, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka issued a statement declaring, “It’s time to organize and mobilize as never before to make every elected or aspiring leader PROVE he or she will create the jobs we need in an economy we need with the healthcare we need. I [...]
Tags: Labor for Single Payer
The California Labor Federation Calls for a National March on Washington for Jobs, Peace, Affordable Healthcare for All And For an End to Foreclosures and Evictions
This coming April 12 is the deadline for submitting the 1 million signatures required to get the California Democracy Act (CDA) on the November 2010 ballot in California. CDA is an essential step toward winning progressive taxation. It would return majority rule to the California State Assembly (instead of the current two-thirds requirement) for all decisions regarding budget AND revenue.
By James Parks On February 19, 2010 @ 10:57 am
From the AFL-CIO Blog
The best way to reduce the growing federal deficit is to [1] create 10 million jobs now—the number of jobs needed to close our jobs deficit—not to cut vital programs such as [2] Social Security and [3] Medicare, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said.
President [...]
Tags: Trumka
Librarians’ Guild, AFSCME Local 2626, joins with our brothers and sisters in calling for a labor-sponsored march on Washington for jobs, peace and justice, which would have the capability of mobilizing the kind of massive army Brother Trumka spoke of; and be it finally RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the AFL-CIO and Change to Win.