The role of the trade union movement is not to become a partner of the bosses, or to help make their corporations “more competitive” in the global economy.
By Jeffrey Sachs, Huffington Post
Posted on April 8, 2009, Printed on April 8, 2009
Two weeks ago, I posted an article showing how the Geithner-Summers banking plan could potentially and unnecessarily transfer hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth from taxpayers to "high risk" merchant banks. The same basic arithmetic was later described by Joseph Stiglitz in the New [...]
Tags: Geithner
Published on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 by Financial Times
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
1. What is fragile should break early while it is still small . Nothing should ever become too big to fail. Evolution in economic life helps those with the maximum amount of hidden risks – and hence the most fragile – become the biggest.
2. [...]
By Liza Featherstone
It was surreal, last month, to see Citigroup organizing the business community against the Employee Free Choice Act [1], a bill that would make it easier for workers to join unions by forcing employers to recognize a union after a majority of workers have signed cards. Here is a company whose CEO, Vikram [...]
Tags: EFCA
In an interview, the Nobel Prize-winner and former chief economist
at the World Bank talks about the Great Depression, Obama’s stimulus
package and today’s financial crisis.
Tags: Stiglitz
Article Date: 05 Mar 2009 – 6:00 PST
The Obama administration’s plans to hold a “Health Care Summit” that excludes advocates of single-payer healthcare reform has drawn a sharp response from labor leaders around the country.
“President Obama has indicated that his administration is committed to the passage of a new ‘universal’ national health care program for [...]
Tags: Obama, single payer
…The labor leaders also asserted that the Obama administration, like the Bush administration, had failed to obtain fair value for the tens of billions it had invested in distressed banks.
Tags: labor unions, Nationalization, Obama
An interview with Jack Rasmus, a professor of economics at St. Mary’s College and Santa Clara University in Northern California. Prof. Rasmus is a member of the newly formed National Steering Committee of the Workers Emergency Recovery Campaign (WERC). The interview was conducted on March 2, 2009, by Alan Benjamin, organizer for the WERC.
Tags: bailout, labor unions, Obama
Part 1 of 6 of Democracy Now! presentation.
From Democracy Now February 13, 2009
Both the House and Senate are set to vote today on the $789 billion economic stimulus package. The vote follows weeks of political wrangling that culminated in compromise legislation struck on Wednesday. The final size of the package is less than what both [...]