Archive for the ‘Labor Movement’ Category

Trumka: Creating Jobs Is Best Way to Fix Deficit

By James Parks On February 19, 2010 @ 10:57 am
From the AFL-CIO Blog
The best way to reduce the growing federal deficit is to [1] create 10 million jobs now—the number of jobs needed to close our jobs deficit—not to cut vital programs such as [2] Social Security and [3] Medicare, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said.
President [...]


Librarians Guild, AFSCME Local 2626 Call for DC March!

Librarians’ Guild, AFSCME Local 2626, joins with our brothers and sisters in calling for a labor-sponsored march on Washington for jobs, peace and justice, which would have the capability of mobilizing the kind of massive army Brother Trumka spoke of; and be it finally RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the AFL-CIO and Change to Win.

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Council of New Jersey State College Locals (CNJSCL) Endorses March on DC

Dear Workers Emergency Recovery Campaign folks-
I’m delighted to inform you that the The Council of New Jersey State College Locals (CNJSCL), AFT, AFL-CIO voted unanimously in our state-wide meeting of delegates on February 12, 2010 to endorse the resolution calling upon the AFL-CIO and Change to Win to organize a Solidarity Day III March [...]


Initial list of Endorsers of Call for a Labor-Sponsored Demonstration in Washington for Jobs, Peace and Justice

As Of February 16, 2010

South Carolina State AFL-CIO
San Francisco Labor Council
South Bay Labor Council (San Jose, Calif.)
The Council of New Jersey State College Locals (CNJSCL), AFT, AFL-CIO NEW
Chris Silvera, Secretary – Treasurer, Teamsters Local 808 NEW
Chris Driscoll, Recording Secretary, The Campaign for Fresh Air and Clean Politics NEW
National Jobs for All Coalition [...]


SOUTH CAROLINA AFL-CIO: Resolution in Support of a Labor-Sponsored March on Washington

Dear Sisters and Brothers:
Rank-and-file unions from various parts of the country, as well as Central Labor Councils, have been passing resolutions calling on the AFL-CIO and Change to Win to organize a massive Solidarity Day III demonstration in Washington to demand job-creation programs as well as other programs vital to working people. [See initial list [...]


San Mateo County Central Labor Council Endorses Call for March

San Mateo County CLC Resolution

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All Out For March 4 Rally at the Civic Center in Defense Of Public Education and All Public-Sector Services!

All Out For March 4 Rally at the Civic Center in Defense Of Public Education and All Public-Sector Services!
The San Francisco Labor Council calls on all labor affiliates, community organizations, and student groups to mobilize their memberships to attend the 5 p.m. rally and demonstration at the San Francisco Civic [...]


Richard Trumka: A Wake Up Call

What happened Tuesday in Massachusetts was a wake-up call to all of us.

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Troy Labor Council Calls For National March!

The Troy Area Labor Council AFL-CIO calls upon the AFL-CIO to organize a national march on Washington for Peace, Jobs and Health Care Justice, to stop the wars and to use the resources freed up to end the jobs and health care crisis here at home.


SF 10/26: The Assault on the Public Sector & Charting a Course for Progressive Taxation

Addressing the failure of government to adopt priorities that provide and maintain the infrastructure of employment, education, health care, housing, and parks, and which taxes everybody but the corporations & the rich.

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