Posts Tagged ‘teachers’

SF Chapter, California Faculty Assn: Raise Taxes on Wealthy, Corps

While California has one of the richest economies in the world, education, health care and social services have been chronically underfunded in this state for decades. This decline has resulted in large part from a steady reduction in corporate taxes.

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SF 10/26: The Assault on the Public Sector & Charting a Course for Progressive Taxation

Addressing the failure of government to adopt priorities that provide and maintain the infrastructure of employment, education, health care, housing, and parks, and which taxes everybody but the corporations & the rich.

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CFT Convention Adopts WERC 10-Point Platform (with two amendments)

The California Federation of Teachers held its statewide convention in Sacramento on March 20-22, 2009. The United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) submitted a resolution to the convention in support of the 10-point platform of the Workers Emergency Recovery Campaign.

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